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Character Sound Effect

If you are a game maker and you are looking for sound,
you are right. We have many assets that you can use such
as character sfx.

version :


Character’s sounds

If the game you are making is first person or third person or a two-dimensional character, you can use this character sound effect asset. It’s a piece of cake.

Character’s sound effects

The sounds that the game characters bring with them deepen the sense of play, such as the sound of the player walking slowly or the sound of hitting the player and losing the health of the player, or the sound of the player jumping.

Sounds of player interaction with the environment; It is one of the sounds that are effective and help in the process of the game, such as the character falling into the water or catching fire. You can get all these sounds inside the character sound assets asset and easily save your time and give more time for other parts of the game or character.

Do not be worry about sound, prepare sound by us

This asset includes the following sound effects:

– Fall damage
– Falling into the water
– Fisting
– Heal up
– Jumping
– Running sound effect
– Walking sound effect

 Sound Assets 
