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Household Items Sound Effect

Unique sounds with high quality, with a great price! Household items like furniture
sounds or any related sound to the inside are in this package, for example: from
the sound of drawers to the mobile vibration and leafing a book.

version :


household items:

our house is our resting place. wherever you are, whatever you do, at the end of the night, you will finally get back to your home. In the houses we live in, different sounds are produced. Like human’s voices and the sound of objects around us. Of course, you can fully download the sound of human movements .
When we come home, if we do not have our key of the door, first we ring the doorbell. Then, when we enter the house, we hear the sounds of opening and closing the door, and finally we enter a world of sounds that exists in every house in some way. And the sounds that are produced in this place are used in many places, too.
So we put the sounds that are commonly heard more in the sound of household items, which will be updated over time by the side of other lumino assets. We put new and high quality sounds inside assets.

Sounds of different household items for different usages:

Now, for whatever reason (job or fun), if you need some sounds like a doorbell or a phone ring, a broken glass, or even more specifically, the sound of a hair dryer or a nailing, you can find it in the sound of household items’ asset. Now for producing low cost video clips for YouTube or instructional purposes, you can use household items’ assets.

Unique sounds with high quality, with a great price!

Household items like furniture sounds or any related sound to the inside are in this package, for example: from the sound of drawers to the mobile vibration and leafing a book.

This package includes:

Book & Paper
– Breakable
– Door sound effect
– Doorbell sound effect
– Drawer
– Fireplace
– Fork & Spoon
– Hairdryer
– Matches & Lighters
– Telephone
– Mobile sound effect
– Nailing
– perfume & body spray
– zip sound sound effect
– Switch & Power plug

what in new version :
- Steam Iron sound ,added
- Vacuum Cleaner sound ,added

 Sound Assets 
